Our Nest Adoption Programme is ideal for those wanting to get directly involved with our conservation efforts. You can save eggs from being sold to the black market by pledging to adopt a nest. Our team will provide you with updates of your adopted nests and invite you to come back and stay at the resort for the dates that they are due to be released to the sea. Building a relationship and network with the locals, we work closely with egg collectors some who turn into rangers, to stop the human consumption of turtle eggs. Instead, we purchase them and safely relocate the eggs into our hatcheries, giving them a second chance at life.


Nest inspection is usually conducted in the afternoon after the hatchlings have emerged from their nests in order to assess the rates of hatching and emergence success, predation and fungal infection. 

Guests are welcome to join us and witness sea turtles at every stage of their development from the egg stage all the way up to hatchlings, as well as learn more about turtle conservation.


Hatchling release usually occurs at least once a week at night. However, as this is nature … nothing is guaranteed. The releases are carried out at the discretion of our staff and occur under red light, to minimise disturbance to the turtles during June to October.

Once our team has identified when the babies are ready to leave the nest and head out to sea we will invite guests to join us to help and celebrate this momentous occasion.


Tanjong Jara Resort is a place to relax, drop by at our Visitors’ Hut to find out more about turtle biology, ecology and conservation at large. You can also get your hands on our merchandise, such as T-shirts and turtle-themed accessories.


Children aged below 12 years old join our weekly Turtle Kids Club, where they learn about the wonderful life of turtles with fun turtle-themed games over an afternoon.


Our team regularly conducts beach clean-ups at the nesting beaches, often with the resort guests, school students and local communities.

Exciting news ahead! We are thrilled to announce that Lang Tengah Turtle Watch is migrating to Persatuan Pemuliharaan dan Kajian Marin Malaysia (Marine Conservation and Research Organisation Malaysia), also known as PULIHARA.

At PULIHARA, we are committed to continue with the conservation efforts that were previously carried out under LTTW with the same dedication, commitment and focus.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are working tirelessly to ensure a smooth migration process.

We invite you to join us on this journey of transformation! Please visit our new website at to learn more about our mission and how you can get involved.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our cause. Together, let's create a meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Warm regards,