As our conservation operations have expanded – owing to the addition of the Jennifer Tan Research Hatchery – we are aiming to build again on the 12,118 endangered eggs we managed to save from going to the market in 2018.

To achieve this goal and keep growing we need help. Only through the generosity and support of nest adopters can we have the means to intervene and purchase eggs, which we then incubate in our hatchery. These eggs would otherwise be sold to the market as food and never be given a chance at life.

Sea Turtle populations are crashing world-wide and one of the main pressures on Malaysian populations is the consumption of their eggs.

Our conservation work is helping to boost numbers of Endangered Green Sea Turtles and Critically Endangered Painted Terrapins in Terengganu, Malaysia by making sure as many hatchlings go out to sea as possible. Our nest adoption programme also provides an income for local, licensed turtle egg harvesters.

We will send you updates on the development of your nest and let you know exactly when we expect your hatchlings to emerge and head off into the ocean.

100% of your pledge is used to purchase eggs from the license holders – LTTW takes no administration, management or any other type of fee from this programme.

So, please sign up to adopt a nest with us and spread the word to your friends and family – each nest adopted allows up to 150 endangered turtles to go out to sea, rather then ending up in the marketplace.

With your support, we can help stem the decline of these majestic creatures in Malaysia for the benefit of future generations and the natural world.

To adopt a nest, please click the button below:

Exciting news ahead! We are thrilled to announce that Lang Tengah Turtle Watch is migrating to Persatuan Pemuliharaan dan Kajian Marin Malaysia (Marine Conservation and Research Organisation Malaysia), also known as PULIHARA.

At PULIHARA, we are committed to continue with the conservation efforts that were previously carried out under LTTW with the same dedication, commitment and focus.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are working tirelessly to ensure a smooth migration process.

We invite you to join us on this journey of transformation! Please visit our new website at to learn more about our mission and how you can get involved.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our cause. Together, let's create a meaningful change and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Warm regards,